Cakewalk by bandlab crashes
Cakewalk by bandlab crashes

cakewalk by bandlab crashes cakewalk by bandlab crashes

The project has more automation than I normally use, but still nothing I can identify that may have caused the issue in the first place. Still much much slower than other projects, but it opens! Really weird. I don't know what the issue was, but I went through and removed the most CPU-intensive plugins from the session temporarily, rendered/bounced a few small Melodyne "track Effects", "Save-as"ed the project.and now it opens. And a quick update-after a power-down, a Windows update, and a coffee or three on my part, the project loaded! It just took about, oh, six minutes to do so. Do you think that could be the issue, if, according to the brand-new loading dialogue/screen thingy, all the plugins are successfully loading? It's the "Almost there". Yes, many many 32-bit plugins on the project. Hello wetdentist! Thanks for the suggestion. Thanks scook! I'll escalate to an email if I can't resolve it. is there another support channel now that Bandlab owns Cakewalk? is this still a reasonable place for this kind of question?) Thanks everyone for your help and time! Sean of the Summer Januaries Please, anyone, any help or hope to offer? Happy to upload the project somewhere if someone wants to take a look! (and. What in the world could be happening here? Long time Sonar user (since, oh, 2005 or so now!) and never had this happen to a project. It also hangs up if I load it in Sonar "safe mode" with NO plugins loaded! It's also a pretty terrible crash! Not "blue screen of death", but all semi-frozen, almost unrecoverable, takes about five minutes of coaxing to get the End Process dialogue to come up. Thanks to the new CakewalkBBL update, I can now see it makes it through loading every plugin, and loading the automation, but then hangs on the "almost there" dialogue in the Loading box. One of my current projects no longer loads in CakewalkBBL or my previous install of Sonar Professional (where it was originally tracked a few months back). Hoping that someone might be able to help me out.

cakewalk by bandlab crashes

One particular project crashes Cakewalk by Bandlab and previous install of Sonar Professio

Cakewalk by bandlab crashes